Artist Statement

My work replicates the genuine gratification of listening to or telling a hunting story around a campfire. Inspiration flows from my enthusiasm for hunting, archery, and the outdoors. The imagery and objects I use come right out of these environments. I work in many different materials, such as, arrows, metal, resin, antlers pressed into clay, and imagery of the mechanical aspects of archery. With all of these materials I focus on contrast, simplicity, repetition, detail and texture. I find myself in a struggle to be strong, yet humble, feminine and delicate. This confrontation is reflected in how I can take something masculine like an antler and make a print from it that looks like a flower; or how I can make an animal out of the equipment I hunt it with and not appear violent. There are similarities in hunting, archery and my art work; all of them take great patience, focus, practice, and perseverance. These ventures are satisfying even if I miss the mark. Hunting is not always about the harvest. Archery is not always about hitting the mark. My art work is not always about making exactly what I first intended. In each I can enjoy the adventure of discovering what I never thought I would be capable of doing.



B.F.A     2015    Sculpture & Printmaking         Colorado Mesa University


Group Exhibitions

2015     Cryptic Void, BFA Show, Colorado Mesa University Downtown Gallery, Grand Junction, CO.

2013     “Not Oh Well” Art Show, McClelland Art Gallery at Union College, Lincoln, NE.


Artist Talk

2015     Cryptic Void, BFA Show, Colorado Mesa University Downtown Gallery, Grand Junction, CO.



Mawdsley, Melinda: "Hitting The Mark", The Daily Sentinel, Out & About, February 26th 2016, Out & About Cover p.  1-2, 14  



2013     Iron Pour, Colorado Mesa University

2012     Road Roller, Colorado Mesa University